
I’m a lapsed Unitarian Universalist woman who prefers her Sunday mornings at home or in the woods, hiking. I’m on the back end of raising two boys, although I am aware that parenthood never ends. I write. I teach writing. I work very-parttime as Physician Assistant in a family practice, focusing on substance abuse and mental health. I’m married to an amazing man who intellectually challenges me and entirely loves me.

As I’ve grown and changed, so has this blog. I started this blog in the early stages of my divorce as a way to manage the noise in my head, sort through a loss of faith, and otherwise remain sane. Since the end of 2016, I’ve brought politics into my writing.  So I guess I’m still writing for the same reasons — sorting, sanity, and a loss of faith in American politics.


3 thoughts on “About

  1. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Your blog was so honest. You are a courageous mom. I wish your life could be easier, but know you are raising two really neat boys who have a lot to teach us all. I recently met a man in my writing class who has Asperger’s and has just finished a wonderful novel…a gentle man who managed to find his own voice and make a rich life for himself and others.

  2. Sarah–I just read your “Questions of comfort” in the Spring 2014 issue of UUWorld. Well done–not just thought up but thought out. If only I had been introduced to such thoughts (in my native suburban Detroit) at an early age. As my Pennsylvania Dutch ancestors would say, we grow too soon old and too late smart.

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